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On Being A Servant of God by Warren Wiersbe (pt1)

Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God. 

Certainly we need methods to serve God, but we must remember that methods work because of the principles behind them.

In your ministry, you must be yourself.

Ministry is not just another way of making a living; it’s a wonderful opportunity for making a life.

In Christian service, a sensitive spirit and a tender heart are absolutely essential.

God’s servants don’t always have to be right.

God is building your character while He is building His church, and what He does will last forever.

The better know the Bible, the better we can know the person of God, the will of God, and how to work for God.

If reaching lost sinners is so important to God, it ought to be important to us.

If the worker doesn’t get a blessing out of the work, something is radically wrong. Serving God isn’t punishment; it’s nourishment.

We are often tempted in ministry to get rid of the very people God wants us to help.

Fortunately, acceptable Christian service isn’t based on feelings; it’s based on obedience.

I would rather serve with an average worker who is reliable than a talented one who can’t be depended on from one week to the next.

A holy life is a useful life.

Life is built on character, but character is built on decisions.

Most of the people you meet day after day are either wasting their lives or merely spending their lives, but God’s servants have the privilege of investing their lives in what is eternal.

You are shaping your life by your thoughts, attitudes, and actions and becoming either more or less like Jesus Christ.

You’ll meet problem people and problem situations wherever you go, so make up your mind to expect them, accept them, and let God use them in your life.

The Holy Spirit can make you adequate for any ministry challenge God brings to you.

The difficulty of the task God gives us is one of His loving gifts for our maturity.

I believe that unfaithful stewardship on the part of God’s people is one sin that is holding back revival in the church today.